Books by David Marquand
The Progressive Dilemma
by David Marquand
The Progressive Dilemma is all about the tension between two models of progressivism: the Fabian state-focused model of reform on the one hand and the bottom-up, empowering, moral model of reform advocated by New Liberals like T H Green and L T Hobhouse. What Marquand does is to show that dilemma between statist reform and bottom-up reform, mainly through the prism of a whole set of people’s lives, including individual politicians.
Interviews with David Marquand
The best books on The End of The West, recommended by David Marquand
The former British MP says the myths we have perpetuated about the West are dangerous and need to be revised. He tells us what we should read to understand the changing world order
Interviews where books by David Marquand were recommended
The best books on Progress, recommended by Matthew Taylor
What makes the most successful societies tick? The RSA’s Matthew Taylor says we should recognise that relationships and values are more important than scientific or economic advances