Books by Linda Secondari
Using intelligent design strategy and inspiring design solutions, Linda Secondari believes we can improve the world through better communication. She’s been fortunate to do that for independent authors, major publishers like Oxford University Press, NGOs, educational institutions, nonprofits and think tanks. Now, as the founder and Creative Director of Studiolo Secondari, she helps organizations reach their audience and get their big ideas noticed through compelling print, web, and digital communications. Linda has received awards from AIGA, AUP, the NY Book Show, and the Stiftung Buchkunst Competition at the Frankfurt Book Fair, and sits on the Executive board of the Graphic Artists Guild.
Interviews with Linda Secondari
The Best Books for Graphic Designers, recommended by Linda Secondari
What does it take to be a good graphic designer in our media-saturated age? Linda Secondari, member of the Executive Board of the Graphic Artists Guild, gives us a glimpse of her reference library, five must-have volumes for every design aspirant and those whose work relies on effective visual communication. That she is a book designer by trade is, of course, grist to our mill here at Five Books.