Books by Robert J Shiller
Robert J Shiller is the Sterling Professor of Economics at Yale University, and a leading authority on speculative bubbles. In 2013, Shiller jointly received the 2013 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. He is the creator, along with Karl Case, of the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. Widely credited with correctly predicting the housing bust, Shiller has also written a number of popular books, including Irrational Exuberance and Animal Spirits, co-authored with Nobel economics laureate George A Akerlof.
Narrative Economics: How Stories Go Viral & Drive Major Economic Events
by Robert J Shiller
In this book Nobel-prize winning economist Robert J Shiller looks at the influence of popular story-telling (narratives) on economic activity and explores how research in this area could improve our understanding of financial crashes and other major economic events. Our interview with Robert Shiller was on 'capitalism and human nature', with some excellent book recommendations.
Interviews with Robert J Shiller
The best books on Capitalism and Human Nature, recommended by Robert J Shiller
“You have to understand people first before you can understand how to devise an economic system for them” argues Robert J Shiller, the Yale economics professor and Nobel laureate. He chooses five books that explore who we fundamentally are, as human beings, and how that will determine the shape of a successful capitalism.