Recommendations from our site
“It is a difficult book, because it’s the first book that tries to figure this stuff out. You don’t teach Keynesian economics from Keynes anymore. Keynes was actually working on The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money before the Great Depression, but, obviously, the Great Depression gave it urgency. It’s a first stab – it’s one hell of a first stab – but because it is a first stab, it’s got all the awkwardnesses that go with that. He goes off on tangents that seemed important to him at the time, but don’t seem so important now. It’s not an easy read.” Read more...
Books that Inspired a Liberal Economist
Paul Krugman, Economist
“This is an incredibly important book because it shows us that Adam Smith was only right in a special case.” Read more...
The best books on How the World’s Political Economy Works
Mark Blyth, Political Scientist
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