Recommendations from our site
“As a philosopher, I’ve written about climate justice and ethics for around fifteen years now. I’ve always known that these issues are important. I’ve talked about them with numerous students, I’ve taught courses on them. Then I had my first daughter, then my second, and these issues became highly personal and salient in a new way. It’s their future that’s at stake. From then on, it really mattered to me to think about how what we owe our children fits with this wider moral question that I was already interested in: what it means to be a decent global citizen. The book weaves together my various different perspectives. I’m a philosopher now, but I used to be a journalist. I was able to use that experience and interview people from other disciplines, including activists, scientists and psychologists. That was absolutely crucial. I also wrote it very much as a mother. It’s an unusual opportunity for a professional philosopher to be able to combine the personal and the philosophical like that.” Read more...
The best books on The Ethics of Parenting
Elizabeth Cripps, Philosopher