Books on the Economic Impact of Coronavirus
Last updated: March 12, 2025
The headlines say it all: "World economy set for heaviest blow since Great Depression" or "Why a 50% Drop in US GDP isn't as bad as it seems." As well as being a human story, the coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic is also very much an economic story.
It's still a bit early for books on coronavirus's economic consequences—though one or two books have come to our attention. One is by Richard Baldwin (whose books have been recommended a number of times on Five Books, including by former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers). Together with Simon Evenett of the University of St Gallen, they've published a book on Covid-19 and trade policy, with detailed arguments about why protectionist responses (like export curbs) are not only unethical but also completely counter-productive.
Also in April, MIT Press rushed out a digital book, Economics in the Age of COVID-19 by Joshua Gans, an economist at the Rotman School of Management. This analyses the economic costs and choices we face as we live through a pandemic like coronavirus, and how some of the normal rules do not apply.
But it's never too early to reflect on what economic history has to teach us about the wider implications of what we're going through—and the difficult choices that lie in the months and years ahead. Below is our interview with Portuguese macroeconomist Ricardo Reis—conducted at the height of the coronavirus crisis—on some of the books that can help us think clearly about the challenges we face. We've also included some older interviews that may be relevant.
Free Trade Under Fire
by Douglas A Irwin -
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
by Anna Schwartz & Milton Friedman -
The Liquidation of Government Debt (Economic Policy, Volume 30, Issue 82, April 2015)
by Carmen Reinhart & M. Belen Sbrancia -
The Great Reversal: How America Gave up on Free Markets
by Thomas Philippon -
Hard Head, Soft Hearts: Tough-minded Economics for a Just Society
by Alan S Blinder
The Economics of Coronavirus: A Reading List, recommended by Ricardo Reis
The Economics of Coronavirus: A Reading List, recommended by Ricardo Reis
As we deal with the economic fallout of coronavirus, what lessons can economic theory and economic history teach us as we navigate the months ahead? Ricardo Reis, professor of economics at the London School of Economics—and consultant to both the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve—recommends four books and one article to help us think through the economic challenges posed by Covid-19.
A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960
by Anna Schwartz & Milton Friedman -
Macroeconomic Effects from Government Purchases and Taxes
by Robert Barro -
Identifying Government Spending Shocks
by Valerie Ramey -
Essays on the Great Depression
by Ben Bernanke -
The Great Depression in the United States from a Neoclassical Perspective
by Harold Cole and Lee Ohanian
The Lessons of the Great Depression, recommended by Robert Barro
The Lessons of the Great Depression, recommended by Robert Barro
Harvard macroeconomist Robert Barro takes issue with some common assumptions about the Great Depression, and how America got out of it.
The best books on The Euro, recommended by Barry Eichengreen
With hindsight, was the euro a good idea? Will it come through the present crisis intact or will any country decide to leave? And what happens if they do? Economist Barry Eichengreen recommends the best books on the euro.
The best books on Learning from the Great Depression, recommended by Christina Romer
Economist Christina Romer, former chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, says we’ve learned that terrible downturns can still occur, but also that the right policy response can make a huge difference to the outcome. She talks us through books and articles that help us better understand how to get out of an economic crisis.
The best books on John Maynard Keynes, recommended by Robert Skidelsky
Keynes biographer Robert Skidelsky recommends the best books about one of the most important economists of all time, John Maynard Keynes.
Manias, Panics, and Crashes: A History of Financial Crises
by Charles Kindleberger -
This Time Is Different
by Carmen Reinhart & Kenneth Rogoff -
John Maynard Keynes: 1883-1946: Economist, Philosopher, Statesman
by Robert Skidelsky -
A Demon of Our Own Design
by Richard Bookstaber -
Sources of the Self
by Charles Taylor
The best books on Financial Crashes, recommended by Charles Morris
The best books on Financial Crashes, recommended by Charles Morris
The former banker and author of 12 books on economics says that over the last 30 years economics has been colonising every science. “Even something like education all comes down to incentives”