Alexandra Horowitz

Books by Alexandra Horowitz

Alexandra Horowitz teaches psychology at Columbia University and is author of Inside of a Dog, a book on the psychology of dogs. Before her scientific career, Horowitz worked as a lexicographer at Merriam-Webster and was on the staff of The New Yorker. She and her husband live in New York City with Finnegan, a dog of “indeterminate parentage and determinate character”

Interviews where books by Alexandra Horowitz were recommended

The best books on Local Adventures, recommended by Alastair Humphreys

Wonderful as it would be to climb Mount Everest or row across the Atlantic, not all of us will get the chance to go on an epic adventure. But that doesn’t mean we can’t go exploring. Alastair Humphreys, the British adventurer, explains the concept of ‘local adventure’ and recommends books that give a feel for what it’s about and why it’s worth pursuing.

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