Ante Shoda
Ante Shoda works for Honda Racing in California in the United States. He studied mechanical engineering in Zagreb, Croatia, and the United Kingdom, and started his professional career as a scientist with German National Aerospace Center DLR in Goettingen, Germany. After obtaining his PhD from the Technical University RWTH in Aachen, he went to work in automotive industry, spending time at BMW in Munich, Germany, Magna Steyr in Graz, Austria, and Ferrari in Italy.
Interviews with Ante Shoda
The Simple Science of Flight: From Insects to Jumbo Jets
by Henk Tennekes -
by Carl Sagan -
In Pursuit of the Unknown: 17 Equations That Changed the World
by Ian Stewart -
Power Speed and Form: Engineers in the Making of the Twentieth Century
by David P. Billington and David P. Billington & Jr -
Ausgepowert: Das Ende des Olzeitalters als Chance
by Marcel Hänggi
The best books on Engineering, recommended by Ante Shoda
The best books on Engineering, recommended by Ante Shoda
What should a budding engineer—or even an experienced one—read for a better understanding of the science and trade? And how does engineering help make our lives better every day? Ante Shoda, an engineer for Honda Racing in California, recommends the best books for a fundamental understanding of engineering.