Books by Branko Milanovic
Branko Milanovic, author of The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Short and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality, is lead economist in the World Bank’s research department, and Professor at University of Maryland, College Park.
“In Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold War economist Branko Milanović (who did a Five Books interview in 2011 on inequality) looks at how various economic thinkers looked at inequality, from Francois Quesnay and Adam Smith down to Simon Kuznets and Thomas Piketty.” Read more...
Notable Nonfiction of Fall 2023
Sophie Roell, Journalist
Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World
by Branko Milanovic
Branko Milanovic charts the global rise of capitalism and assesses the relative merits of liberal capitalism, as it exists in the "West" and political capitalism, as exemplified by China.
The Haves and the Have-Nots
by Branko Milanovic
Inequality is a surprisingly slippery issue. It involves not just straightforward comparisons of individuals, but also comparisons of price and consumption differences around the world—and over time. In The Haves and the Have-Nots, Branko Milanovic, the lead economist at the World Bank’s research division, approaches the issue in a new and innovative way: through stories. Milanovic reveals just how rich Elizabeth Bennet’s suitor Mr. Darcy really was; how wealthy ancient Romans compare to today’s super-rich (for example, Nero vs. Paris Hilton); who the richest people are today; how we should think about Marxism in a modern world; and how location factors into wealth. This bold and entertaining book teaches us not only how to think about inequality, but also why it matters and—most importantly—what we can do about it.
Worlds Apart
by Branko Milanovic
"Milanovic's new book does the job and the results are fascinating. ... His expertise and intellectual integrity inform every page". -- Thomas Homer-Dixon, The Globe & Mail
Interviews with Branko Milanovic
The best books on Economic Inequality Between Nations and Peoples, recommended by Branko Milanovic
World Bank economist and author of The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Short and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality discusses global economic inequality and says internal issues of inequality breed aggressive foreign policy
Interviews where books by Branko Milanovic were recommended
Pax: War and Peace in Rome's Golden Age
by Tom Holland -
Vergil: The Poet's Life
by Sarah Ruden -
Ian Fleming: The Complete Man
by Nicholas Shakespeare -
The Secret Lives of Numbers: A Global History of Mathematics & its Unsung Trailblazers
by Kate Kitagawa & Timothy Revell -
The Chile Project: The Story of the Chicago Boys and the Downfall of Neoliberalism
by Sebastian Edwards
Notable Nonfiction of Fall 2023, recommended by Sophie Roell
Notable Nonfiction of Fall 2023, recommended by Sophie Roell
As summer collapses into fall across the northern hemisphere, Five Books editor Sophie Roell takes a look at the nonfiction books that have been published over the last three months. Reading serious nonfiction books remains the easiest way to get up to speed on not only things you’re already interested in, but lots of things you didn’t know you didn’t know.