Breege O'Brien
Breege O’Brien is a retired teacher-librarian from County Mayo, Ireland. She has an MA in English: Children’s Literature and a lifelong interest in young adult literature, school library advocacy and the development of reading cultures in schools. She is a member of the Great Reads Award committee and of the reading panel that decides the shortlist each year. She was for many years a member of the national executive of the School Library Association in the Republic of Ireland and is a member of the International Association of School Librarianship.
Interviews with Breege O'Brien
Great Teen Reads from Ireland’s Great Reads Awards, recommended by Breege O'Brien
Every year teenagers in Ireland show their enthusiasm for reading quality young adult fiction by voting for their favourite new Irish and international novels. Great Reads Award panellist Breege O’Brien highlights her top teen reads from recent years’ shortlists.