Cassie Kemp
Cassie Kemp is a qualified and chartered children’s librarian who works at Creative Learning Services, the Schools Library Service for Leicester and Leicestershire, UK. She also sits on the National CILIP Youth Libraries Group committee, works closely with the Carnegie and Kate Greenaway medals and was a judge for the awards in 2020/21. In addition, she reviews books for The School Librarian journal, has written for Youth Libraries Review and is a judge for the School Librarian of the Year award.
Interviews with Cassie Kemp
The Best LGBT Novels for Young Adults, recommended by Cassie Kemp
Good books for teens and young adults are often about identity and figuring out who you are. Novels with LGBTQ+ characters are some of the best examples of (fictional) young people learning to be themselves while navigating the world. Here, librarian Cassie Kemp shares her top picks of LGBT novels for teens and young adults.