Books by Daniel Hamermesh
Daniel Hamermesh is Distinguished Scholar, Barnard College, Professor Emeritus, Royal Holloway University of London, and Sue Killam Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin. His research, published in nearly 100 refereed papers in scholarly journals, has concentrated on time use, labour demand, social programmes, academic labour markets and unusual applications of labour economics (to beauty, sleep and suicide). He is also a regular contributor to the Freakonomics blog.
Spending Time: The Most Valuable Resource
by Daniel Hamermesh
"Life is hectic," writes labour economist Daniel Hamermesh at the beginning of chapter 13 of Spending Time: The Most Valuable Resource. In the book, he explores why this is so, in what way it is so and what, potentially we could do about it.
Interviews with Daniel Hamermesh
The Best Economics Books to Take on Holiday, recommended by Daniel Hamermesh
In this latest book, Spending Time, distinguished labour economist Daniel Hamermesh looks at how we spend time, our ‘most valuable resource.’ Here he suggests books worth spending your valuable time on this holiday, including an introductory economics textbook.
Books that Show Economics is Fun, recommended by Daniel Hamermesh
According to Keynes, to be a good economist you have to be good at maths but not too good, good at history but not too good, and good at philosophy but not too good. Economics is also a lot of fun, argues economist Daniel Hamermesh. He chooses five books to make his case.