Books by David Phillipson
“This is an absolutely fantastic book that takes you through Aksumite history, which is a history most people are not acquainted with And having gone through much of the story of Aksum in detail for my book, I’ve got to ask the question, ‘Why is it not talked about more?’ Aksum was a kingdom—an empire, really—in Ethiopia. It rose around the beginning of the reign of Augustus, so the turn of the Common Era is when it took off…Aksum became a Christian kingdom around the fourth century, and then it entered its golden age of influence. It expanded into Arabia. It expanded even toward places like Mecca. All the while, Europe was going through the collapse of the Roman Empire. In Ethiopia, we have the height of Aksumite culture, history, and society, whilst in Europe, you have the split between the Eastern and the Western Roman Empires, and what used to be called the Dark Ages occurring.” Read more...
Interviews where books by David Phillipson were recommended
The World of the Scythians
by Renate Rolle -
Wretched Kush: Ethnic Identities and Boundaries in Egypt's Nubian Empire
by Stuart Tyson Smith -
The Origins of Ancient Vietnam
by Nam C. Kim -
India: The Ancient Past
by Burjor Avari -
Foundations of an African Civilisation: Aksum and the Northern Horn, 1000 BC-AD 1300
by David Phillipson
The Best Books on the Wider Ancient World, recommended by Owen Rees
The Best Books on the Wider Ancient World, recommended by Owen Rees
Many of us love to read about ancient Greece or Rome and know a bit about ancient Egypt, but what lay beyond the Classical world we’re familiar with? Historian Owen Rees, author of The Far Edges of the Known World, recommends books on some of the other civilizations that flourished in ancient times, from Aksum in modern Ethiopia to Co Loa in modern Vietnam.