Books by Devoney Looser
Devoney Looser, Professor of English at Arizona State University, is the author or editor of seven books, most recently The Making of Jane Austen, a Publishers Weekly ‘Best Summer Books’ choice for 2017. Her recent writing has appeared in the Atlantic, the TLS, the , the Chronicle of Higher Education and Entertainment Weekly. She has also played roller derby as Stone Cold Jane Austen. Follow her @devoneylooser
Interviews with Devoney Looser
The Alternative Jane Austen, recommended by Devoney Looser
Thanks to her ability to be many things to many people at once, Jane Austen is one of the vast minority of writers who manage to be both eternally popular and canonical. Here, Austen scholar Devoney ‘Stone Cold Jane’ Looser presents alternative Austens, from subversive youngster to video-game heroine