Books by Thomas Barfield
Thomas Barfield is professor of anthropology at Boston University. He is director of the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies & Civilization and president of the American Institute for Afghanistan Studies. His latest book, Afghanistan, traces the historic struggles and the changing nature of political authority in this volatile region of the world.
“The one-volume introduction to Afghanistan that I always recommend to people is Thomas Barfield’s Afghanistan…Tom Barfield is a scholar whom a whole lot of other scholars, military officers and diplomats have a lot of time for…The things I would stress about this book are firstly that it’s accessible. Secondly, that it’s really quite funny – he’s a witty writer. Thirdly, that it’s become – for better or worse (mostly for better I would argue) – a reference point for anyone working on Afghanistan. I’ve seen this book on the shelves of everyone from serious scholars to squad leaders to General David Petraeus.” Read more...
Andrew Exum recommends the best books for Understanding the War in Afghanistan
Andrew Exum, Political Commentator
Interviews with Thomas Barfield
The best books on Afghanistan, recommended by Thomas Barfield
Anthropologist and Afghanistan expert Thomas Barfield gives a panoramic view of Afghanistan, from founding dynasties to the failed central Asian states of today. He picks the best books on Afghanistan.
Interviews where books by Thomas Barfield were recommended
Andrew Exum recommends the best books for Understanding the War in Afghanistan
The US has repeatedly misdiagnosed the war in Afghanistan. Former soldier, Andrew Exum, tells us about flawed policy, unhappy outcomes and what could and should have been different.