Books by Francisco Bethencourt
Francisco Bethencourt is the Charles Boxer Professor of History at King’s College London. He is the author of The Inquisition and the coeditor of Correspondence and Cultural Exchange in Europe, Portuguese Oceanic Expansion and Racism and Ethnic Relations in the Portuguese-Speaking World. He has served as director of the Gulbenkian Cultural Center in Paris (1999-2004) and the National Library of Portugal (1996-1998). His most recent book is Racisms: From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century.
Interviews with Francisco Bethencourt
The best books on Racism and How to Write History, recommended by Francisco Bethencourt
Racism is not innate but emerges under special conditions, says the King’s College professor and author of the sweeping history Racisms: From the Crusades to the Twentieth Century. He chooses five books that inspired him.