Books by Frederick Lepore
Frederick Lepore is a professor of neurology and ophthalmology at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey. He is a clinical neuro-opthalmologist, designer of the Optic Nerve Test Card, and the author of over 125 scientific publications including ‘Dissecting Genius—Einstein’s Brain and the Search for the Neural Basis of Intellect.’
Interviews with Frederick Lepore
The best books on Clinical Neuroscience, recommended by Frederick Lepore
We still don’t have a complete understanding of the ‘terra incognita’ that is the human brain, says Frederick Lepore—the noted US neurologist and author of Finding Einstein’s Brain—but we’ve made enormous breakthroughs over the past hundred years. Here, he selects five of the best books that detail the development of the strange and delicate study of clinical neuroscience through the eyes of its researchers.