Books by George Dyson
George Dyson is a historian of technology whose publications broadly cover the evolution of technology in relation to the physical environment and the direction of society. He has written on a wide range of topics, including the history of computing, the development of algorithms and intelligence, communication systems, space exploration, and the design of water craft.
Darwin Among the Machines
by George Dyson
Dyson is looking at the genesis of thinking machines. Well, machines that do something like thinking. He is really good on the history of computing.
Interviews with George Dyson
The best books on The Origins of Computing, recommended by George Dyson
As we approach the centenary of Alan Turing’s birth, science historian George Dyson looks back at the achievements of wartime code breaking and the “human computers” who enabled our modern age of iPhones and laptops
Interviews where books by George Dyson were recommended
The best books on Watson, recommended by Stephen Baker
Former BusinessWeek writer recommends five books that deepen our understanding of the science and psychology behind Jeopardy!’s computer champion, Watson