Books by Gretchen Peters
Award-winning journalist Gretchen Peters has covered Pakistan and Afghanistan for more than a decade, first for the Associated Press and later as a reporter for ABC News.
The Seeds of Terror
by Gretchen Peters
This book tells the story of how the heroin trade bankrolls the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Peters paints the Taliban as a large-scale criminal drug dealing operation – with attendant global money laundering sidelines – rather than an ideologically committed religious movement. Peters argues that what is needed is attacks on Afghanistan’s capacity for producing poppies and heroin and the Taliban’s control of that. With the US’s retreat from the country that, of course, has just got a whole lot harder, if not impossible.
Interviews with Gretchen Peters
The best books on The Afghanistan-Pakistan border, recommended by Gretchen Peters
The award-winning journalist and author says she laughed out loud when she read Greg Mortenson’s line that if he was killed in Pakistan, he knew it would be in a car accident and not by a terrorist