Books by Helena Frith Powell
Helena Frith Powell is the author of Two Lipsticks and a Lover – also published in the US as All You Need to be Impossibly French. In it, she tries to identify what it is that makes French women so chic compared to the rest of us. Her other books include Ciao Bella: in Search of My Italian Father and most recently, The Viva Mayr Diet: 14 Days to a Flatter Stomach and a Younger You. She formerly wrote the ‘French Mistress’ column in the Sunday Times about living in France, and now lives in Abu Dhabi where she is a staff reporter at The National Magazine.
Interviews with Helena Frith Powell
The best books on Glamour, recommended by Helena Frith Powell
The author of Two Lipsticks and a Lover explains what it takes to be glamorous. Relax, it’s not about being beautiful or perfect