Books by Hugh Pope
Hugh Pope is a writer, speaker and author of books on Turkey, the Middle East and Central Asia. As well as editing his father’s book on sortition, The Keys to Democracy, he is a member of the advisory board of DemocracyNext. Previously, he spent 15 years working for International Crisis Group, the independent conflict-prevention organisation. Prior to that he was a foreign correspondent for 25 years, most recently spending a decade as the Wall Street Journal’s Turkey, Central Asia and Middle East Correspondent.
Interviews with Hugh Pope
Against Elections
by David Van Reybrouck -
The Government of Chance: Sortition and Democracy from Athens to the Present
by Yves Sintomer -
The End of Politicians: Time for a Real Democracy
by Brett Hennig -
Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century
by Hélène Landemore -
De Gruyter Handbook of Citizens’ Assemblies
edited by Min Reuchamps, Julien Vrydagh and Yanina Welp
The best books on Citizens’ Assemblies, recommended by Hugh Pope
The best books on Citizens’ Assemblies, recommended by Hugh Pope
Around the world, democracies are struggling with angry populations who are fed up with politicians who don’t seem to represent them effectively. Fortunately, there’s an alternative. Hugh Pope—a veteran reporter on the Middle East who also spent 15 years working for International Crisis Group—introduces us to the growing movement for ‘citizens’ assemblies’, where ordinary people get together to decide what’s best for the community. He argues that these assemblies have already been used effectively on important issues that are difficult for politicians to tackle and reveals how the French president, Emmanuel Macron, came to find out about them.
The best books on Turkish Politics, recommended by Hugh Pope
The Istanbul-based author and former foreign correspondent Hugh Pope discusses the legacy of Atatürk, the country’s convergence with Europe and why no book has yet been written on Erdogan and the AKP. He picks the best books to help understand Turkish politics.