Books by Janice Stewart-Yates
Janice Stewart-Yates is an educator with over 20 years’ experience teaching preschool age children. Originally from Scotland, she is a firm believer in multiculturalism and multilingualism. Janice has been a teacher in the UK, Spain and France and is currently at the Montessori School of Beijing. She is consultant to schools globally on implementing Peace Education.
Interviews with Janice Stewart-Yates
Best Books for Preschool Kids, recommended by Janice Stewart-Yates
With travel restricted in much of the world due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it is more important than ever to open children’s minds through books. Janice Stewart-Yates, a passionate Montessori educator, shares her recommendations for books that bring the world to children. These are some of her favourite picks for preschool classroom story time, as well as for reading with her own daughter.