Books by Jenny Davidson
Jenny Davidson is Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University specializing in the 18th-century. In addition to her academic work, she is the author of four novels, Heredity (2003), The Explosionist (2008), Invisible Things (2010), and The Magic Circle (2013). Find her on Twitter @triaspirational and on her blog, Light Reading. Her latest book is an edition of Margaret Brown Kilik’s The Duchess of Angus, a lost feminist masterpiece written in the 1950s and set in wartime San Antonio.
Interviews with Jenny Davidson
The Best Books to Read in Quarantine, recommended by Jenny Davidson
Times of disease and pestilence have much to tell us about the human condition. Jenny Davidson, Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, suggests some of the best books to read if you’re self-isolating or in quarantine.
The Best Love Stories, recommended by Jenny Davidson
From Jane Austen to James Baldwin, the best love stories in literature recommended by Jenny Davidson, novelist, historian and Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University.