Books by Jonathan Elphick
Jonathan Elphick is a natural history author, editor and consultant. He is a Scientific Fellow of the Zoological Society of London and a Fellow of the Linnean Society, the world’s oldest active biological society. His books include an award-winning field guide for the BBC, The Birdwatcher’s Handbook: A Guide to the Birds of Britain and Ireland; Birds: The Art of Ornithology; another bestselling field guide (with John Woodword), The RSPB Pocket Birds; A Unique Photographic Guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe, and (with photographer David Tiplin) Great Birds of Britain & Europe. Among the many books he has edited is The Natural History Museum Atlas of Bird Migration. Jonathan is currently working as Researcher with author Mark Cocker and David Tipling on a world-ranging follow-up to Birds Britannica, Birds & People; writing a bird book for the Natural History Museum, and embarking on a more personal landscape and nature memoir.
Interviews with Jonathan Elphick
The best books on Birds, recommended by Jonathan Elphick
Birds are everywhere. They capture our imagination and make us wish that we, too, could soar away. Jonathan Elphick eloquently recommends the best books on the wonders of birds.