Books by MacKinlay Kantor
“This is also one of the first alternate histories I ever read. I know I was 13 years old because my ninth grade English class had a bookcase full of paperbacks, so I pulled it off the shelf and read it. It did have a considerable influence on me when I was writing the Timeline-191 books. It not only lets the Confederacy gain its independence; it also tracks the history of the Confederate States and the United States for the next hundred years, because MacKinley Kantor was writing it just about the time of the centennial of the American Civil War.” Read more...
Interviews where books by MacKinlay Kantor were recommended
The Best Alternate History Books, recommended by Harry Turtledove
By telling alternative histories, we can run thought experiments that shed new light on our own timeline. ‘Master of alternate history’ Harry Turtledove talks us through his five favourites – and considers why alternate history pre-dates conventional sci fi, why some historical changes make for better drama than others, and how the micro-histories of our own lives are radically shaped by chance.