Books by Jimmy Carter: His Memoirs
Our Five Books interview on the best Jimmy Carter books (including a biography of Jimmy Carter as well as more detailed books on the economic crisis of the 1970s and an unputdownable book on the Middle East peace process) is with Johns Hopkins political scientist Robert Lieberman.
Jimmy Carter (born 1924) was the 39th President of the United States, a peanut farmer from Georgia who beat Gerald Ford (Richard Nixon’s former vice president) in the 1976 election. Rather than writing one memoir of his life, Carter wrote a number. In his interview with us, Robert Lieberman recommends Keeping Faith, written in the early 1980s.
Despite historic achievements—such as brokering a peace deal between Egypt and Israel, the 1978 ‘Camp David Accords’—Carter’s presidency would be a challenging one, with the fall of the Shah and the Iran hostage crisis internationally and economic problems at home as the second oil shock hit. A devout Christian, Carter became notable for his humanitarian work after he lost the presidency in 1980 (to Ronald Reagan), setting up the Carter Center in 1982 with his wife Rosalynn. The couple were also involved with Habitat for Humanity for more than three decades. Carter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.”
The memoirs Jimmy Carter wrote are listed below:
“This memoir was published in the early eighties, shortly after Carter left office. Presidential memoirs are an interesting genre. Sometimes they’re not the most exciting reading but they’re still the first draft of what happened in an administration. Carter’s memoir does give insight into his character. This was a very serious man, a highly ethical person. You mentioned he was a born-again Christian. He trained as an engineer. You see all these facets of the character, and you get his view of the challenges that he faced in his presidency, of the things that he did well and the things that he did less well. It’s a way to understand what happened in his presidency.” Read more...
Robert Lieberman, Political Scientist
White House Diary
by Jimmy Carter
White House Diary covers Jimmy Carter's four years in the White House. It's based on the notes he dictated to himself at the end of every day, and which his secretary helped write up. When his presidency came to an end, those private thoughts covered more than 5,000 pages. The audiobook is introduced by Jimmy Carter, who explains how he cut the material down to include things that are important and relevant, and not to make himself look better by cutting out the bits that showed him as lacking in judgement or foresight.
A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety
by Jimmy Carter
As the title suggests, A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety is Jimmy Carter's memoir written towards the end of it and with the benefit of hindsight. It's short (less than 250 pages) and contains many of the highlights. Born in a house without running water or electricity, Carter would go on to join the US Navy, but gave it up to run the family farm. He started off in Georgia's state senate (1963-7), then became governor (1970-75) before becoming the Democratic nominee for president in 1976.
Interviews where books by Jimmy Carter: His Memoirs were recommended
The Best Presidential Memoirs as Audiobooks, recommended by Robin Whitten
When you listen to presidential memoirs as audiobooks, you can often hear an American president telling you their own story. Veteran audiobook reviewer Robin Whitten, editor of Audiofile magazine, recommends the best audiobooks about US presidents, and explains the crucial role of professional narrators in bringing big books to life.
Stayin Alive: The 1970s and the Last Days of the Working Class
by Jefferson Cowie -
Panic at the Pump: The Energy Crisis and the Transformation of American Politics in the 1970s
by Meg Jacobs -
Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President
by Jimmy Carter -
His Very Best: Jimmy Carter, a Life
by Jonathan Alter -
Thirteen Days in September: The Dramatic Story of the Struggle for Peace
by Lawrence Wright
The Best Jimmy Carter Books, recommended by Robert Lieberman
The Best Jimmy Carter Books, recommended by Robert Lieberman
For good books to understand Jimmy Carter and his presidency, it’s important to understand the context in which he was elected and served as president, argues political scientist Robert Lieberman. Here, he recommends five books on Jimmy Carter, winner of the 2002 Nobel Peace Prize: “Carter was who he seemed to be, which is not something you often say about successful politicians.”
The Best Presidential Memoirs as Audiobooks recommended by Robin Whitten