©Anne Mandelbaum
Books by Michael Mandelbaum
Michael Mandelbaum is the Christian A. Herter Professor Emeritus of American Foreign Policy at The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He is the author of seventeen previous books, including Mission Failure, The Rise and Fall of Peace on Earth, The Four Ages of American Foreign Policy, and That Used to Be Us (with Thomas L. Friedman).
“What he argues is that the world order that the United States has fostered rested on an extraordinarily powerful economy and, in effect, a great surplus of power. The United States used its power, by and large wisely, to provide certain kinds of public goods for the world at large. Right now, Mandelbaum argues, the United States is on a track of fiscal irresponsibility that will constrict its freedom of action down the road, and limit its ability to continue to provide those public goods that have benefited both itself and the world more generally. The Mandelbaum book is a cautionary tale about the consequences of American domestic mismanagement and what the implications may be for American foreign policy – and the liberal world order that American policy has so lovingly created and maintained – in the decades to come…So the message from Mandelbaum is, in effect, “’ll you who want to see a more restrained America, you’re about to get your wish, because we can’t afford to act the way we have acted!’ Now we will test whether that is actually a good thing or, as Mandelbaum worries, a not so good thing.” Read more...
The best books on US Foreign Policy
Gideon Rose, International Relation
Interviews with Michael Mandelbaum
Woodrow Wilson: A Biography
by John Milton Cooper -
Lenin: A Biography
by Robert Service -
Mao: The Man Who Made China
by Philip Short -
The Hitler of History
by John Lukacs -
Gandhi: The Years That Changed the World, 1914-1948
by Ramachandra Guha -
A State at Any Cost: The Life of David Ben-Gurion
by Tom Segev
The Best Biographies of 20th Century Leaders, recommended by Michael Mandelbaum
The Best Biographies of 20th Century Leaders, recommended by Michael Mandelbaum
The first half of the 20th century was an era when individuals could have a huge impact on the course of history—whether for good or bad, argues political scientist Michael Mandelbaum. He recommends the best biographies to read about the eight world leaders who feature in his latest book, The Titans of the Twentieth Century, from Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) to Mao Zedong (1893-1976).
Interviews where books by Michael Mandelbaum were recommended
The best books on US Foreign Policy, recommended by Gideon Rose
Should America have intervened in Libya? Done more? Done less? Done it differently? The editor of Foreign Affairs, Gideon Rose, explains the tension that lies at the heart of every American foreign policy decision.