Mike Carey
Mike Carey
has been making up stories for most of his life. His novel The Girl With All the Gifts has sold over a million copies and became a major motion picture, based on his own BAFTA Award-nominated screenplay. He has written for both DC and Marvel, including critically acclaimed runs on Lucifer, Hellblazer and X-Men. His creator-owned books regularly appear in the New York Times bestseller list. He also has several previous novels including the Felix Castor series, two radio plays and a number of TV and movie screenplays to his credit.
Interviews with Mike Carey
The Best Fantasy Graphic Novels, recommended by Mike Carey
Graphic novels are ideally suited to fantasy worlds because they can immerse a reader completely, says author Mike Carey. He tells Five Books about his five favourite fantasy graphic novels, and their wildly fantastical worlds and characters – which range from embodied ideas to sentient beans.