Books by Muhammad Yunus
“I chose this book for the power of the story that he tells – the founding of Grameen Bank and the success that it has had.” Read more...
Roger Thurow, Foreign Correspondent
Creating a World Without Poverty
by Muhammad Yunus
Nobel Peace Prize-winner Muhammad Yunus argues that social business is an achievable way of exploiting capitalism to help the poor. Yunus moves the debate beyond the argument that the rich should donate to the poor and says the free market can be used to the advantage of the poor. Policymakers and philanthropists can learn from this.
Interviews with Muhammad Yunus
The best books on A World Without Poverty, recommended by Muhammad Yunus
The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize-winner talks about his creation of micro-credit and walks us through his five books on poverty and how to eradicate it – includes Zola’s Germinal and Dickens’ A Tale Of Two Cities
Interviews where books by Muhammad Yunus were recommended
The best books on A World Without Poverty, recommended by Muhammad Yunus
The 2006 Nobel Peace Prize-winner talks about his creation of micro-credit and walks us through his five books on poverty and how to eradicate it – includes Zola’s Germinal and Dickens’ A Tale Of Two Cities
The best books on Hunger, recommended by Roger Thurow
Millions of people around the world still die of malnourishment each year, and 815 million people go hungry, according to statistics for the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization. And yet, there is hope. Roger Thurow, Senior Fellow for Global Food and Agriculture at the Chicago Council and author of Enough: Why the World’s Poorest Starve in an Age of Plenty, recommends books with inspiring examples of what individuals and organizations have done to try and reduce sickness and hunger around the world.