Books by Natasha Saunders
Dr Natasha Saunders is a lecturer at the School of International Relations at the University of St Andrews. She has a particular interest in issues of forced migration, human rights, and digital border control practices, and in conceptualisations of, and questions about, political responsibility, social justice, political subjectivity, and agency. Her book, International Political Theory and the Refugee Problem, was published in 2018. She has also contributed to two books on the thought of Hannah Arendt. Dr Saunders is the Associate Editor of the Journal of International Political Theory.
Interviews with Natasha Saunders
Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of International Politics
by Cynthia Enloe -
Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy
by Stephen D. Krasner -
Worldmaking After Empire: The Rise and Fall of Self-Determination
by Adom Getachew -
International Relations and Non-Western Thought
ed. Robbie Shilliam -
Once Within Borders: Territories of Power, Wealth, and Belonging since 1500
by Charles S. Maier
International Relations Books, recommended by Natasha Saunders
International Relations Books, recommended by Natasha Saunders
War, diplomacy, and foreign affairs perforate our news on a daily basis—from the Russian invasion of Ukraine to post-Brexit trade deals. The formal study of international relations seeks to make sense of these phenomena. We asked Natasha Saunders of the University of St Andrews to recommend five books that will introduce readers to the field of international relations.