Books by Oliver Bullough
Oliver Bullough is a former Reuters Moscow correspondent. His book Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus, a travel and history book, was published by Penguin in 2010, and described his journeys to find the scattered peoples of the mountains. It was shortlisted for the Orwell Prize in the UK, and won the Cornelius Ryan award in the US. His second book, The Last Man in Russia, was published in 2013.
Let Our Fame Be Great: Journeys Among the Defiant People of the Caucasus
by Oliver Bullough
Bullough looks at the forgotten history of the Caucasus. His focus is on the Circassians and one of the great untold stories of the 19th century
Interviews with Oliver Bullough
The best books on The Caucasus, recommended by Oliver Bullough
Author and former Reuters correspondent in Moscow chooses books on the Caucasus and says the only language Russia understands is unconditional surrender, whether they are ruled by the Tsars, the Communists or Putin
Interviews where books by Oliver Bullough were recommended
The best books on Putin and Russian History, recommended by Edward Lucas
Journalist and author Edward Lucas gives an excoriating critique of Putinism and explains how Russia’s amoral present is rooted in a failure to come to terms with its past.