Books by Keith Jeffery
Keith Jeffery, Professor of British History at Queen’s University Belfast, was appointed in 2005 to write the first official history of the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS). MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service, 1909-49 was published in September 2010.
Ireland and the Great War
by Keith Jeffery
This is the first book to give a unified picture of Ireland's experience of the First World War. Unlike any previous work it identifies the similarities of experience of constitutional nationalists, separatist republicans and unionists, and deals with civilian, social, economic and cultural aspects, as well as the purely military. The book also relates the experience of the war and its subsequent commemoration to the politics of twentieth-century Ireland, North and South, up to and including the recent peace process.
“The book is particularly important because it is an authorised history. It’s the first time an academic or any outsider has ever had access to MI6 files. MI6 are notoriously closed and British authorities tend to fetishize secrecy, so the fact that he was able to go into their archives and have a good old rummage allowed for a very significant and original book.” Read more...
The best books on Covert Action
Rory Cormac, International Relation
Interviews with Keith Jeffery
The best books on The Secret Service, recommended by Keith Jeffery
The author of the only authorized history of MI6, Keith Jeffery, tells us about the evolution of the secret intelligence services, their representation in fiction, and the man Fleming may have had in mind when he created James Bond
Interviews where books by Keith Jeffery were recommended
Covert Action: Central Intelligence Agency and the Limits of American Intervention in the Post-War World
by Gregory Treverton -
Executive Secrets: Covert Action and the Presidency
by William J Daugherty -
MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949
by Keith Jeffery -
The Mitrokhin Archive: The KGB in Europe and the West
by Christopher Andrew & Vasili Mitrokhin -
Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations
by Ronen Bergman
The best books on Covert Action, recommended by Rory Cormac
The best books on Covert Action, recommended by Rory Cormac
Many of us live in democracies and believe in government transparency, but the truth is our leaders have considerable scope to engage in secret operations overseas. Rory Cormac talks us through five books on ‘covert action,’ and some of the countries that have embraced it as a policy tool.