Books by Rebecca Buxton
Rebecca Buxton (pictured on the right) is a DPhil student at the University of Oxford. She specialises in the political philosophy of migration and displacement.
The Philosopher Queens: The lives and legacies of philosophy's unsung women
by Lisa Whiting & Rebecca Buxton
***🏆 A Five Books Book of the Year ***
“This is the book of the year for me. Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting are both graduate students in philosophy and they’ve co-edited this amazing book, which is basically the book that they wish had existed when they started thinking about studying philosophy. It’s a book that has 20 short essays about significant women philosophers. It’s skewed towards political philosophy and ethics, which is where their interests lie, but not exclusively, and it goes from ancient Greece to more or less the present day. It’s a selection of philosopher queens, women philosophers who’ve been neglected by mainstream curricula in philosophy. It’s also an illustrated book, which is unusual in philosophy.” Read more...
The Best Philosophy Books of 2020
Nigel Warburton, Philosopher
Interviews with Rebecca Buxton
The Best Philosophy Books by Women, recommended by Lisa Whiting & Rebecca Buxton
When it comes to the big names in philosophy, very few people think of women and the books that make the canon have, traditionally, almost always been written by European or American men. Here, Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting, editors of The Philosopher Queens, a book that collects together articles about the most important women philosophers, talk through their selection of the best philosophy books written by women.
Interviews where books by Rebecca Buxton were recommended
The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -
The Annotated Alice
by Lewis Carroll & Martin Gardner (Editor) -
Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth
by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos H Papadimitriou -
The Way of Nature (The Illustrated Library of Chinese Classics)
by Zhuangzi (aka Chuang Tzu), C. C. Tsai (illustrator) and Brian Bruya (translator) -
The Philosopher Queens: The lives and legacies of philosophy's unsung women
by Lisa Whiting & Rebecca Buxton
The Best Illustrated Philosophy Books, recommended by Helen De Cruz
The Best Illustrated Philosophy Books, recommended by Helen De Cruz
Philosophy is a very verbal discipline with much effort made to express meaning through the very precise use of language. You might think that pictures wouldn’t get much of a look in, but you’d be wrong, as philosopher Helen de Cruz explains. She chooses five books where the philosophical meaning of the subjects under investigation are given greater depth and clarity with the use of illustrations, from ancient Chinese philosophy through to the philosopher queens of the 21st century.
The Philosopher Queens: The lives and legacies of philosophy's unsung women
by Lisa Whiting & Rebecca Buxton -
The Meaning of Travel: Philosophers Abroad
by Emily Thomas -
Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers
by Cheryl Misak -
The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle
by David Edmonds -
Metazoa: Animal Life and the Birth of the Mind
by Peter Godfrey-Smith
The Best Philosophy Books of 2020, recommended by Nigel Warburton
The Best Philosophy Books of 2020, recommended by Nigel Warburton
2020 has been a great year for popular philosophy with many excellent books published. Here, Nigel Warburton, our philosophy editor and co-host of the Philosophy Bites podcast, picks his favourites and explains what he likes about them.