Books by Renata Salecl
Renata Salecl is a philosopher, sociologist and legal theorist. Named Slovenian Woman Scientist of the Year in 2010, she holds professorships and visiting professorships in law at the University of Ljubljana, the London School of Economics, Birkbeck College and the Cardozo School of Law in New York. Her latest book, Choice, examines the tyranny of choice in a post-industrial capitalist society.
Perversions of Love and Hate
by Renata Salecl
The theme was Oscar Wilde's, that each of us kills the thing we love. Through forests of psychoanalytical theory, the East European author pursues it formidably . . . this is challenging, moving and thought-provoking stuff. -- The Mail on Sunday
Interviews with Renata Salecl
The best books on Misery in the Modern World, recommended by Renata Salecl
The Slovenian philosophy professor decries the tyranny of choice and says we now expect long life, a beautiful body, sexual and job satisfaction. But the idea that we can perfect ourselves dooms us to failure and misery