Books by Richard Beeston
Richard Beeston is the former Daily Telegraph correspondent for Beirut, Nairobi, Moscow and Washington. He began his long career working for an Arabic radio station run by MI6 during the Suez War. He has covered the collapse of the Belgian Congo, East Africa’s post-independence struggles, revolutions in the Middle East, the Vietnam War, Watergate and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Since 1990 he’s worked as a freelance writer for the Times, the Daily Telegraph and Saga Magazine.
Richard Beeston’s articles in the Spectator
Tony Blair is the wrong man for the Middle East – Richard Beeston
Interviews with Richard Beeston
The best books on Spies, Lies and Foreign Correspondents, recommended by Richard Beeston
From a biography of the Soviet Union’s most successful spy to an isolated German general in Tanzania in World War I, from a brilliant novel of World War II to what it was like in Moscow during Stalin’s show trials, British journalist Richard Beeston (1962-2013) recommends a range of books that resonated with him as he reported from troublespots around the globe.