Books by Russell Hoban
“Riddley Walker is one of those books that awoke in me a total fascination with dystopian and post-apocalyptic titles. It is set a couple of thousand years in the future, following a nuclear war, and is written in an imagined dialect that has evolved after the collapse of civilisation. The main character, Riddley, is the narrator and his account of discovering and trying to make sense of an attempt to recreate a powerful weapon from an earlier time makes for a riveting read.” Read more...
Forgotten 20th-Century Classic Books
Rebeka Russell, Publisher
Interviews where books by Russell Hoban were recommended
Forgotten 20th-Century Classic Books, recommended by Rebeka Russell
Publishing moves fast, and we tend to forget books almost as fast as they arrive. We spoke to Rebeka Russell of Manderley Press—a heritage publisher that specialises in reviving lost works—about five forgotten classic books that are ripe for rediscovery.
The best books on The End of the World, recommended by Paul Cooper
The fall of empires and sudden societal collapse are often the subject matter of darkly fascinating reads, in both fiction and nonfiction. Here Paul Cooper—the author of Fall of Civilizations, a new history book based on the hit podcast—recommends five books that offer perspectives on what it might feel like to live through the ‘end of the world.’
Max Porter on the Books That Shaped Him
Max Porter, author of Grief is the Thing with Feathers, on the books that have taken him from childhood to adulthood, the deepening shadow of nuclear war, and why he’ll always be on his knees in front of Emily Dickinson
The Best Apocalyptic Novels, recommended by James Miller
British novelist James Miller recommends his choice of the best apocalyptic novels