Books by Sadegh Hedayat and Naveed Noori (translator)
“The codes of the “occidental” novel were almost unknown in Iran and Hedayat is the first to play with them in an Iranian context” Read more...
Mathias Enard on The ‘Orient’ and Orientalism
Mathias Enard, Novelist
Interviews where books by Sadegh Hedayat and Naveed Noori (translator) were recommended
The Blind Owl
by Sadegh Hedayat and Naveed Noori (translator) -
Season of Migration to the North
by Tayeb Salih and Denys Johnson-Davies (translator) -
Leg over Leg
by Ahmad Faris al-Shidyaq and Humphrey Davies (translator) -
Drifting Cities: A Trilogy
by Strates Tsirkas and Kay Cicellis (translator) -
The Arabian Nights or Tales of 1001 Nights
Mathias Enard on The ‘Orient’ and Orientalism
Mathias Enard on The ‘Orient’ and Orientalism
Study of the ‘Orient’ and Orientalism has evolved considerably since Edward Said's seminal study of 1978. Here, the multi-award winning French novelist Mathias Enard, whose own novel, Compass, draws on this rich history, discusses five books that capture key aspects of this ever-shifting terrain