Books by Tanya M. Smith
“He has done some incredible work, for instance, taking Neanderthal teeth into a synchrotron and zapping them with a hugely powerful laser beam to see inside and reconstruct the daily growth patterns of another human species that lived tens of thousands of years ago. Her research is super exciting and on the biting edge of what dental anthropology can do. Her book really takes an in-depth look at what we can learn about the past from teeth…Professor Smith’s book allows us to think about some of the issues of how we grew, how we fed and what these things tell us about life in the past. In addition, she writes quite personally about her own journey as a scientist, and her enthusiasm for the subject really comes through. I think that even if you aren’t obsessed with teeth, it’s a really nice book for people, particularly girls who might be interested in science, to see this journey of interest and excitement and to feel how fun it can be to do something as unlikely as dental anthropology.” Read more...
The best books on Anthropology
Brenna Hassett, Anthropologist
Interviews where books by Tanya M. Smith were recommended
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art
by Rebecca Wragg Sykes -
Evolution's Bite: A Story of Teeth, Diet, and Human Origins
by Peter Ungar -
Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live
by Marlene Zuk -
Tales Teeth Tell: Development, Evolution, Behavior
by Tanya M. Smith -
Our Human Story
by Chris Stringer & Louise Humphrey
The best books on Anthropology, recommended by Brenna Hassett
The best books on Anthropology, recommended by Brenna Hassett
New techniques have uncovered an enormous amount of information about how humans evolved and new human species continue to pop up on a regular basis. Biological anthropologist Brenna Hassett, author of Growing Up Human, recommends books to learn more about our ancestors and how we became the human beings we are today.