Books by Tariq Modood
Tariq Modood is the founding Director of the Bristol University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship.
Still Not Easy Being British
by Tariq Modood
My book tries to show that many of our controversies today are crying out for multicultural solutions. What I offer is a version of multiculturalism which is compatible with and based on liberal citizenship, moderate secularism and inclusive Britishness.
Interviews with Tariq Modood
The best books on Multiculturalism, recommended by Tariq Modood
Rather than an exciting concept that opens up societies to new ideas and cultures, the idea of ‘multiculturalism’ is currently out of favour, at least in popular political discourse. Yet, according to sociologist Tariq Modood, founding Director of the Bristol University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, many of the problems we face today are crying out for multicultural solutions. He recommends the best books on multiculturalism, beginning with its development as a political theory in 1980s Canada.
Interviews where books by Tariq Modood were recommended
The best books on Multiculturalism, recommended by Tariq Modood
Rather than an exciting concept that opens up societies to new ideas and cultures, the idea of ‘multiculturalism’ is currently out of favour, at least in popular political discourse. Yet, according to sociologist Tariq Modood, founding Director of the Bristol University Research Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship, many of the problems we face today are crying out for multicultural solutions. He recommends the best books on multiculturalism, beginning with its development as a political theory in 1980s Canada.