Books by Vajra Chandrasekera
Vajra Chandrasekera is from Colombo, Sri Lanka and is online at vajra.me. His debut novel The Saint of Bright Doors won the Crawford Award and was a New York Times Notable Book of 2023. His short fiction, anthologized in The Apex Book of World SF, The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction, and The Best Science Fiction of the Year among others, has been nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award. His second novel Rakesfall is out in 2024.
“We follow Fetter, the child of a god with an unwanted destiny…He lives in the immediately-believable city of Luriat, where ‘bright doors’ are a nuisance: any door left shut for too long may refuse to open again, and become one of the city’s sacred doors. Some keen enthusiasts try to study them, while most people ignore them – one of the many ways in which this invented society feels utterly human and real.” Read more...
Interviews with Vajra Chandrasekera
The Best Science Fantasy, recommended by Vajra Chandrasekera
We use ‘science fantasy’ when a book seems to be both science fiction and fantasy. What distinguishes the two, and what does it mean to combine them? These books are an opportunity to explore our ways of knowing, reflect changing cultures, and find humour in the unexpected, says award-winning fantasy and sci fi author Vajra Chandrasekera.
Interviews where books by Vajra Chandrasekera were recommended
The Best Science Fantasy, recommended by Vajra Chandrasekera
We use ‘science fantasy’ when a book seems to be both science fiction and fantasy. What distinguishes the two, and what does it mean to combine them? These books are an opportunity to explore our ways of knowing, reflect changing cultures, and find humour in the unexpected, says award-winning fantasy and sci fi author Vajra Chandrasekera.
The Best Fantasy Novels of the Past Decade, recommended by Sylvia Bishop
The winners of the Hugo Awards and the Nebula Awards are chosen by fans each year. They cover both fantasy and sci fi, and the best novel spot for each is highly prestigious. Our fantasy and sci fi editor Sylvia Bishop takes a look at the fantasy winners of the last decade, offering rich pickings for fans of magical worlds that are beautiful, absorbing and strange.
Award-Winning Fantasy Novels of 2024, recommended by Sylvia Bishop
This year’s award-winning fantasy books offer something for every taste, from melancholic fairy tales to gripping horror. Our fantasy and sci fi editor Sylvia Bishop introduces the winning titles.
The Best Sci-Fi & Fantasy Novels, as Chosen by Fans: the 2024 Hugo Award, recommended by Sylvia Bishop
Every year, members of the World Science Fiction Society nominate writers for the Hugo Award, then vote for the winner. All speculative fiction is eligible – fantasy as well as sci-fi – and the shortlist is one of the most prestigious for both genres. Here, Sylvia Bishop introduces us to the nominees for the title of the best speculative novel of 2024 – and the page-turning champion. See all our best science fiction books, fantasy fiction, and best novels of 2024 recommendations.
New Sci-Fi & Fantasy Novels: The 2024 Nebula Awards Shortlist, recommended by Sylvia Bishop
Every year, members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association nominate and vote for the best works of speculative fiction published over the previous year. Here, Sylvia Bishop introduces us to the books shortlisted for the 2024 Nebula Award for the best new novel – and the “astonishing” debut that ultimately triumphed. See all our science fiction, fantasy and best novels of 2024 recommendations