Great for those still in college or recent graduates.
Personal finance you should have learned in school. Ramit's guidelines will set you up for financial freedom regardless of your current financial situation. He focuses on the long-term and psychology behind money. There are specific examples in the book for which financial accounts to set up and how to create an easy, automated strategy for your finances.
Understanding how to identify a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset means learning from your failures and not allowing them to define who you are as a person. Once you recognize ways you have a fixed mindset, you can work on changing that to a non-judgmental, non-dismissive growth mindset.
If you think you will to find a job that is completely fulfilling right when you graduate, I'm sorry to say that it most likely won't happen. Your first few jobs out of college might be boring and feel purposeless, but they could be the start of something that you will be passionate about in the future. Work hard, get recognized, and find joy in what you do.
Your Twenties will probably be an exciting (and maybe dark) time full of change. Many go through a quarter-life crisis filled with loneliness, doubt, and depression a few years into adulthood. This book will help those going through a quarter-life crisis to process those emotions.
Chances are that someday you will need to be someone's boss and this is the go-to guide on how to do it well. If you never end up becoming someone's boss, this book will still teach you how to communicate feedback effectively to your colleagues and your bosses throughout your career.
Personal finance you should have learned in school. Ramit's guidelines will set you up for financial freedom regardless of your current financial situation. He focuses on the long-term and psychology behind money. There are specific examples in the book for which financial accounts to set up and how to create an easy, automated strategy for your finances.
Understanding how to identify a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. Having a growth mindset means learning from your failures and not allowing them to define who you are as a person. Once you recognize ways you have a fixed mindset, you can work on changing that to a non-judgmental, non-dismissive growth mindset.
If you think you will to find a job that is completely fulfilling right when you graduate, I'm sorry to say that it most likely won't happen. Your first few jobs out of college might be boring and feel purposeless, but they could be the start of something that you will be passionate about in the future. Work hard, get recognized, and find joy in what you do.
Your Twenties will probably be an exciting (and maybe dark) time full of change. Many go through a quarter-life crisis filled with loneliness, doubt, and depression a few years into adulthood. This book will help those going through a quarter-life crisis to process those emotions.
Chances are that someday you will need to be someone's boss and this is the go-to guide on how to do it well. If you never end up becoming someone's boss, this book will still teach you how to communicate feedback effectively to your colleagues and your bosses throughout your career.
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