Five Books For Improving Psychological Safety at Work

recommended by Jayden Gould

There are many issues which happen in and out of the workplace especially when it comes to mental health and an employee’s psychological state and how it can be affected by working in somewhat hostile environments. The following books all cover psychological safety in and out the workplace, these titles will explain and guide you through how you can make sure that you are safe and that you are making the people around you safe.

  • 1


    The Authentic Organization: How to Create a Psychologically Safe Workplace
    by Gina Battye

    Through Gina's personal experience and work with diverse clients and multinational corporations she has enabled organizations to challenge harmful attitudes and challenge outdated cultures within the workplace that have a psychological effect on the people who work there. She talks about her 5 pillars of psychological safety in her book which dives into the 5 pillars being: self, social, collaboration, curiosity and creativity. Gina argues that some workplaces are very outdated when it comes to their attitude at work and with the staff, she also argues that the lack of communication in some work forces are also the problem when it comes to creating a safe workplace for everyone and therefore dives into the affects good communication and healthy attitudes can improve businesses. These points and many more can be brought over into everyday life as well whenever people enter a hostile and out-dated environment it can have an impact on their mental health and with Gina's book it explains how creating a successful business starts with creating a safe and healthy workplace.

  • 2


    The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation,
    by Amy C. Edmondson

    This book by Amy offers practical guidance for teams and organizations who are serious about success in the modern economy. With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talent The booker covers the inability some people find to not speak their mind and talks about how fitting in and going along with what people do and say will create the doom of the knowledge economy and that success requires an influx of new ideas challenges and thought, she also says how the interpersonal climate must not show suppression silences ridicule or intimidation. This book explores the culture of psychological safety and provides you ways you can bring the information to live and be on a path to constant learning and healthy innovation. Explore the link between psychological safety and high performance Create a culture where it’s “safe” to express ideas, ask questions, and admit mistakes Nurture the level of engagement and candor required in today’s knowledge economy Follow a step-by-step framework for establishing psychological safety in your team or organization Shed the "yes-men" approach and step into real performance. Fertilize creativity, clarify goals, achieve

  • 3


    The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation
    by Timothy R. Clark

    This book is a practical, hands on guide that shows how leaders can build psychological safety inside their organization and create environments where employees feel engaged and encouraged, fear has always had a negative impact on engagement learning efficacy and productivity. Beforehand there was a lack of practical information on how to make employees feel safe about speaking up and contributing to the business and with Timothy clarack a social science and organizational consultant he provides a framework for people to go through the successive stages of psychological safety. In this book it gives you full explanations on the 4 stages which are Inclusion safety, acceptance and sharing identity Feeling safe to ask questions experiment and make mistakes Contributor safety where you feel safe participating as part of the team Challenger safety allowing you to take on status quo without risking reputation and repercussion Following and learning about all these stages will not only help you if you are trying to join a team and want to feel safe but also if you are a leader and you want to lead your team to a safe, healthy and productive workforce under your guidance. .

  • 4


    The Psychological Safety Playbook: Lead More Powerfully by Being More Human
    by Karolin Helbig & Minette Norman

    Every employee at every level wants to feel seen, heard and respected as when we feel safe we do our best and creative work, this is why you need to ensure you not only are apart but also can lead a healthy workforce. This book explores twenty five specific actions that anyone can create and do to make your workplace safe and respected even if you are not in a leadership role. By adopting these traits and sharing it with the rest of your team you can helplive and create a psychologically safe workplace. In karolines experience in the business and applied practice they have been able to observe how creating a high performing innovative workforce starts with building respect and shared humanity and when we hold back and are afraid we all miss out but when you throw wild ideas creativeness and share emotions you can create a hard working healthy workforce.

  • 5


    How to Heal a Workplace: Tackle Trauma, Foster Psychological Safety and Boost Happiness at Work
    by Kerry Howard

    Kerry says how the workplaces most powerful resource is the people and why its so critical to keep the needs of the employees who make the business happen every day happy and healthy, the book states that at the end of the matter its the employees which shape a business and to create a psychologically safe workplace is to create a successful business This book draws on real world stories and diverse industries to bring strategies which can help you make a safe workplace whether you are a leader or if you are just part of a team or many teams. Some of these strategies include things like boosting employees' well being and supporting each other, understanding how certain people may experience the workplace and adjust to their needs. Combat bullying and harassment and workplace injuries by fostering psychological safety improved communication and relationships between colleagues.

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