My Top Five Finding Your Niche in Life Books

recommended by Kris_Duering

Are you there yet? Do you know what your purpose in life is? Have you discovered what you love doing and what are your passions? Purpose and passion are two words that define and influence the course of your life the most. Passion makes you enthusiastic about being alive. Purpose shows you the path to take; it makes you fearless and self-assured. Unfortunately, many of us are searching for our purpose and passion in life endlessly because they are not easily revealing themselves to you. More than that, sometimes they are right in front of your eyes, but you don’t see them.

  • 1


    Find Your Why: A Practical Guide for Discovering Purpose for You and Your Team
    by Simon Sinek, David Mead & Peter Docker

    Simon Sinek is an optimist. He teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. From members of Congress to foreign ambassadors, from small businesses to corporations like Microsoft and 3M, from Hollywood to the Pentagon, he has presented his ideas about the power of why. He has written two books, Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why and is quoted frequently by national publications.

  • 2


    Love Does Study Guide with DVD: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World
    by Bob Goff

    Did you notice how the grass (almost always) feels greener on the other side? I’ve used the word ‘feels’ on purpose. It doesn’t matter what see others having, it matters how is that making you feel. If you’re wondering why it seems that hard to find your passion and purpose, the following might be the answer for you. You look from the outside into other people lives and believe they are better than you, they know better what they want, they are more motivated, skilled and driven. Looking from the outside most things look more beautiful than how they, actually are. Do, your passion and purpose, seem too small? Unimportant? Somehow, irrelevant? That is not true. Those around you, looking into your garden, feel your grass is greener…

  • 3


    The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
    by Michael A. Singer

    Michael Singer, a spiritual teacher, and bestselling author shows you how to live in the present moment and let go of painful thoughts that keep you from achieving happiness and meaningful life. The road to finding your passion and purpose must begin by knowing yourself better. Recognizing and appreciating who you are: first, makes you feel you are enough, and second, allows you to take advantage of who you are. “What a waste of life!” we say when seeing someone talented and skilled but too afraid to show the world who they are. Read this book and learn how to love and accept yourself as you are so you can build the future of your dream.

  • 4


    Do the Work: Overcome Resistance and Get Out of Your Own Way
    by Steven Pressfield & Seth Godin

    Perhaps, you already know your purpose in life, but something stops you from going towards it. Perhaps, you’re passionate and enthusiastic, but something prevents you from pursuing your passion. Perhaps, you’re motivated and driven, but something stubbornly holds you back. Are you resisting to embrace the good things in your life? You are not alone. We often (unknowingly) self-hypnotize ourselves into believing that we can’t, we don’t deserve, we are not good enough. Read this book, and discover how to make a clear distinction between productive and destructive resistance.

  • 5


    Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose
    by Gabrielle Bernstein

    The opposite of calm is not always anger. Sometimes it’s feeling helpless and hopeless, other times it’s feeling surrounded by the chaos you can’t control or organize. Positive thinking and simple living can alleviate some of the difficulties you encounter in life. But is that enough? Sometimes it is, sometimes it’s not. When it is not, this book can give you the tools you need to improve your mood, and feel more relaxed about things so that you can, with a clear mind, take the best option for your own life.

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