Recommendations from our site
“Michelle Alexander shows how you can change a system politically and legally, but without ever destroying its social roots. Racial domination in the United States has always found a way of coming back to life, despite legal changes… It is probably the most important book on prisons since Foucault’s Discipline and Punish in 1975. It proves that you can win the judicial battle, change the legal order and still lose the political one.” Read more...
Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, Philosopher
“The new Jim Crow that Michelle Alexander is talking about is mass incarceration.” Read more...
Peter Temin on An Economic Historian’s Favourite Books
Peter Temin, Economist
“Today, according to Alexander, although we have a purportedly colourblind society, the same thing is happening. But today it is done by imposing differentiated citizenship rights on convicted felons.” Read more...
The best books on Race and the Law
Kenneth W. Mack, Historian
Our most recommended books
The Interesting Narrative
by Olaudah Equiano -
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
by Michelle Alexander -
The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China
by Mark C Elliott -
The Birth of Biopolitics: Lectures at the Collège de France, 1978–1979
by Michel Foucault -
The Black Jacobins
by C.L.R James -
The Invasion of America
by Francis Jennings