• Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays - Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
  • Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays - Richard II by William Shakespeare
  • Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays - The Hostage by Paul Claudel
  • Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays - The Measures Taken by Bertolt Brecht
  • Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays - Not I by Samuel Beckett

Slavoj Žižek on His Favourite Plays

The philosopher and cultural critic recently made a foray into drama when he reworked Sophocle’s Antigone—not out of admiration for the original, but to examine the “stupid and morally problematic” character at its heart. Here he selects five plays he admires—but declines to see performed.