• The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Poe: Poetry, Tales, and Selected Essays by Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - The Detective Stories of Edgar Allan Poe: Three Tales Featuring C. Auguste Dupin by Edgar Allan Poe
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Edgar Allan Poe: A Critical Biography by Arthur Hobson Quinn
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe Poe by Daniel Hoffman
  • The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books - Pym: A Novel by Mat Johnson

The Best Edgar Allan Poe Books, recommended by Shawn Rosenheim

You can’t turn on a television or pass an airport bookstore without seeing the influence of America’s most generative writer, Edgar Allan Poe. He orginated true life crime and detective fiction, sci-fi and horror story tropes, and wrote unforgettable poems. Poe expert Shawn Rosenheim, a professor at Williams College, recommends where to start with Poe, as well as the best books about his influence.

  • The Scariest Books for Kids - A Sprinkle of Sorcery by Michelle Harrison
  • The Scariest Books for Kids - The Ersatz Elevator Lemony Snicket & Brett Helquist (illustrator)
  • The Scariest Books for Kids - The Land of Roar Jenny McLachlan & Ben Mantle (illustrator)
  • The Scariest Books for Kids - The Day My Butt Went Psycho! by Andy Griffiths
  • The Scariest Books for Kids - A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

The Scariest Books for Kids, recommended by Jack Meggitt-Phillips

Scary children's books give kids the pleasure of immersing themselves in an exciting page-turner, and are an excellent way to get reluctant readers to read novels. As long as you pay attention to individual children's sensibilities, it shouldn't be hard to find books that give them thrills rather than nightmares. Children's author Jack Meggitt-Phillips talks us through his favourite scary books for kids.

  • The best books on Witches and Witchcraft - Red Shift by Alan Garner
  • The best books on Witches and Witchcraft - The Viking Way: Magic and Mind in Late Iron Age Scandinavia by Neil Price
  • The best books on Witches and Witchcraft - Soul Hunters: Hunting, Animism, and Personhood among the Siberian Yukaghirs by Rane Willerslev
  • The best books on Witches and Witchcraft - The Annotated Collected Poems Edward Thomas (ed. by Edna Longley)
  • The best books on Witches and Witchcraft - The Poems of Emily Brontë Emily Brontë (ed. by Derek Roper)

The best books on Witches and Witchcraft, recommended by Diane Purkiss

For centuries, the witch has been an index not only of what we fear most in others, but also what we cannot cope with—the powerfully abnormal, strange and often irrational elements—in ourselves. And the best way to understand the history of witches and witchcraft is to first understand the supernatural, according to Diane Purkiss, Professor at Keble College, Oxford and author of the lauded book The Witch in History.