Last updated: March 13, 2025
The best books on Zombies, recommended by Greg Garrett
Zombies have returned with a vengeance in recent years, the secret to their undying popularity lying in their ability to embody many different kinds of menace, from social unrest to pandemics, financial insecurity to international terrorism. Greg Garrett, author of Living with the Living Dead, recommends five zombie books to help you prepare for the apocalypse
The best books on Debunking the Paranormal, recommended by Richard Wiseman
Psychology professor Richard Wiseman explains why mediums, spoon bending and near-death and out-of-body experiences are all baloney.
The best books on Magic, recommended by Richard Heygate
Steeped in the pre-Christian traditions of English magic, Richard Heygate, the author of the bestselling The Book of English Magic, warns readers not to dabble unless they are prepared to end up in a padded cell.
The best books on Premonitions, recommended by Larry Dossey
The former Chief of Staff of Medical City Hospital, Dallas discusses the weird and wonderful world of Premonitions. Semi-scientific and light hearted