The Brain
Last updated: March 07, 2025
The Book of Human Emotions: An Encyclopedia of Feeling from Anger to Wanderlust
by Tiffany Watt Smith -
by Jeffrey Eugenides -
Principles of Psychology
by William James -
Emotional Success: The Power of Gratitude, Compassion and Pride
by David DeSteno -
Stumbling on Happiness
by Daniel Gilbert
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
The Best Books on Emotions, recommended by Lisa Feldman Barrett
Not every culture has a word for ‘fear.’ Smiling was an invention of the Middle Ages. There’s a lot that will surprise you about the way we process emotions, says the neuroscientist and psychologist Lisa Feldman Barrett. Here she picks five books that illustrate our understanding of how emotions work.
Consciousness Explained
by Daniel Dennett -
Principles of Psychology
by William James -
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
by Julian Jaynes -
The Mind's I: Fantasies And Reflections On Self & Soul
by Daniel Dennett & Douglas Hofstadter -
Other Minds: The Octopus and the Evolution of Intelligent Life
by Peter Godfrey-Smith
The best books on Consciousness, recommended by Susan Blackmore
The best books on Consciousness, recommended by Susan Blackmore
The ‘hard problem’ of consciousness – of how the physical matter of the brain produces the psychological phenomenon of consciousness – has dogged psychologists and neuroscientists for decades. But what if we’ve been posing the question incorrectly all this time? The psychologist Susan Blackmore discusses five key texts that tackle this quicksilver concept.
The best books on Cognitive Neuroscience, recommended by Dick Passingham
Neuroscience has banished the problem of dualism—the ‘ghost in the machine’ mulled over by philosophists since the time of Descartes, says the renowned cognitive neuroscientist Professor Dick Passingham. Here, he chooses five books that signified major breakthroughs in this fast-advancing field.
by Sebastian Seung -
The Feeling of What Happens
by Antonio Damasio -
Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human
by Richard Wrangham -
The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health and Disease
by Daniel Lieberman -
The Secret of Our Success: How Culture Is Driving Human Evolution
by Joseph Henrich
The best books on The Human Brain, recommended by Suzana Herculano-Houzel
The best books on The Human Brain, recommended by Suzana Herculano-Houzel
The human brain contains 86 billion neurons and burns a quarter of our energy intake. But it is by no means extraordinary, says Suzana Herculano-Houzel. Here, the Brazilian neuroscientist chooses five of the best books for understanding the complexities and connectivity of our most enigmatic organ.
The best books on Children and their Minds, recommended by Alison Gopnik
Author and psychology professor, Alison Gopnik, tells us what’s going on in children’s minds – and that it’s a lot more than we may think
The best books on The Mind and The Brain, recommended by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore
Sarah-Jayne Blakemore, Research Fellow at the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at UCL, discusses aspects of the relationship between the mind and the brain. She recommends books on autism, the allure of neuroscience, consciousness and maths
The best books on Neuroscience, recommended by David Brooks
It’s hard to understand many things about the world around us without a knowledge of the unconscious workings of the brain, argues the New York Times columnist David Brooks. He chooses five accessible books that’ll get you into neuroscience as well.