Happiness & Mental Health Books for Kids
recommended by doctors, psychologists and authors
Last updated: March 06, 2025
In a hyper-connected world, children are having to grow up quickly and are exposed to all sorts of pressures and subject to all sorts of anxieties that were alien to previous generations. Here we have a range of interviews with book recommendations for children and young people that address mental health issues head on. Author Chitra Soundar chooses the best books to help children overcome anxiety. Psychologist Vanessa King picks books on happiness for children, while Rae Earl, author of My Mad Fat Diary, chooses her best books on teenage mental health.
Beyond any advice or analysis offered by these books on children's mental health, getting offline and reading books is probably a good place to start reducing one’s anxiety and becoming a happier human being.
Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body
by Adam Kay & Henry Paker (Illustrator) -
Look inside Your Body
by Louie Stowell, Kate Leake (Illustrator) -
by Stephanie Babin, Ilaria Falorsi (Illustrator) -
Pirate Pete's Potty
by Andrea Pinnington & Melanie Williamson (Illustrator) -
Anatomy for Babies
by Jonathan Litton & Thomas Elliott (Illustrator)
Best Human Body Books for Kids, recommended by Sonia Joseph
Best Human Body Books for Kids, recommended by Sonia Joseph
An understanding of the human body can help children nurture both physical and mental health, as well as build knowledge and vocabulary about this fascinating topic. Paediatrician Sonia Joseph talks us through her pick of five books about the human body for kids, with something for every age from baby board books to middle grade non-fiction.
The Best Psychology Books for Teens, recommended by Jessica Flitter, Laura Brandt & Nancy Fenton
Three award-winning US high school psychology teachers—authors of the website Books for Psychology Class—share their recommendations of the best psychology books for teenagers, students and their teachers, and reflect on why storytelling is a key aspect of the art of teaching.
The Best Books on Gratitude for Kids, recommended by Dana Sheridan
What should you read with your kids on Thanksgiving? Dana Sheridan of Princeton University Library’s Cotsen Children’s Library recommends five children’s books with themes of love, gratitude, belonging and sharing with one another—what the holiday is all about.
Books To Help Children Overcome Anxiety, recommended by Chitra Soundar
As young children grow, finding a vocabulary for their worries and anxiety is often difficult. Children’s author Chitra Soundar recommends five books that help children process their emotions and use fiction as a tool for talking about anxiety.
The best books on Happiness for Children, recommended by Vanessa King
What is happiness? Why does happiness matter? Vanessa King, lead psychologist at the charity/non-profit Action for Happiness, discusses how developing ours and our children’s happiness skills can have benefits for our own lives and for society as a whole.
The best books on Teenage Mental Health, recommended by Rae Earl
Every generation has its own minefield to negotiate in order to reach adulthood. Author Rae Earl discusses five books that explore a range of mental health issues that some teenagers may face, and many adults have faced, while on this difficult journey.