Best Books for Kids
recommended by librarians, teachers, authors and kids
Last updated: March 18, 2025
Polonius the Pit Pony
Richard O'Neill, Feronia Parker Thomas (illustrator) -
The Lost Homework
Richard O'Neill, Kirsti Beautyman (illustrator) -
The Can Caravan
Richard O'Neill, Cindy Kang (illustrator) -
The Show Must Go On
Richard O'Neill, Michelle Russell, Mitch Miller (illustrator) -
A Different Kind of Freedom: A Romani Story
by Richard O'Neill
Traveller Books for Kids, recommended by Richard O'Neill
Traveller Books for Kids, recommended by Richard O'Neill
A storyteller from a nomadic Romani family, Richard O’Neill has been telling stories since he was a child. Here, he talks us through five books he’s written for kids. He emphasizes the importance for children of seeing themselves reflected in books, as well as the need for authentic writing about Gypsy and Traveller communities.
Bodies, Brains & Bogies
by Paul Ian Cross & Steve Brown (illustrator) -
Live Like a Hunter Gatherer
Naomi Walmsley, Mia Underwood (illustrator) -
Am I Made of Stardust?
Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock, Chelen Écija (illustrator) -
Step Inside Science: Germs
by Sarah Hull & Teresa Bellon (illustrator) -
Ben Rothery's Deadly and Dangerous Animals
by Ben Rothery -
A Bug's World
by Dr Erica McAlister & Stephanie Fizer Coleman (illustrator)
The Best Science Books for Children: the 2023 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, recommended by Usha Goswami
The Best Science Books for Children: the 2023 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, recommended by Usha Goswami
The judges of the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize look for books that explain high quality science in an engaging and accessible way. Neuroscientist Usha Goswami, chair of the 2023 judging panel, explains why it is important to get children excited about science via books, and introduces us to the fabulous titles that made this year’s shortlist.
The best books on Fashion for Kids, recommended by Eunice Olumide
Model, actress, presenter and author Eunice Olumide shares her pick of the best books for children about fashion and the values that underpin her career in the fashion industry.
Best Books for Preschool Kids, recommended by Janice Stewart-Yates
With travel restricted in much of the world due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, it is more important than ever to open children’s minds through books. Janice Stewart-Yates, a passionate Montessori educator, shares her recommendations for books that bring the world to children. These are some of her favourite picks for preschool classroom story time, as well as for reading with her own daughter.
Library Lion
Michelle Knudsen, Kevin Hawkes (illustrator) -
Write to Me
Cynthia Grady, Amiko Hirao (illustrator) -
Tomás and the Library Lady
by Pat Mora & Raul Colón (illustrator) -
The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
William Joyce, Joe Bluhm (illustrator) -
The Lonely Book
Kate Bernheimer, Chris Sheban (illustrator)
The Best Books about Libraries for 4-8 Year Olds, recommended by Bahram Rahman
The Best Books about Libraries for 4-8 Year Olds, recommended by Bahram Rahman
Libraries provide a space for children to read for pleasure and discover the transformative power of books. Children’s author Bahram Rahman shares his favourite picture books about libraries for children age 4-8, and explains why book-recommending algorithms cannot replace librarians.
Best Football Books for Kids and Young Adults, recommended by Dave Cousins
As World Cup fever builds to irresistible levels, there is no better time to get kids reading by presenting them with a few books about ‘the beautiful game.’ Award-winning children’s author and self-confessed football fanatic Dave Cousins, recommends five fantastic football books for kids and young adults.
Who's Hiding in the Jungle?
by Katharine McEwen -
Wild Lives: 50 Extraordinary Animals that Made History
by Ben Lerwill & Sarah Walsh (illustrator) -
Look and Say What You See at the Seaside
by Sebastien Braun -
South African Animals
Lindiwe Mabuza, Alan Baker (illustrator) -
The Fascinating Animal Book for Kids: 500 Wild Facts!
by Ginjer Clarke
The best books on Wild Animals for Kids, recommended by Margaret Darawanda
The best books on Wild Animals for Kids, recommended by Margaret Darawanda
Children tend to be fascinated with animals, and wild animals particularly capture the imagination. Margaret Darawanda, an Akashinga ranger in the Lower Zambezi Valley, talks us through her pick of books for kids about animals in the wild.
Rebellion Against Heaven
Wu Cheng'en, adapted by Chu Yi, illustrated by Wang Weizhi, translated by Liu Guangdi -
The Moose of Ewenki
by Gerelchimeg Blackcrane, Jiu Er (illustrator) & translated by Helen Mixter -
An's Seed
Zaozao Wang, Li Huang (illustrator), translated by Helen Wang -
Express Delivery from Dinosaur World
Yanan Dong, translated by Helen Wang -
Grandma Lives in a Perfume Village
by Fang Suzhen, Sonja Danowski (illustrator) & translated by Huang Xiumin
The Best Chinese Picture Books, recommended by Our Children's Editor
The Best Chinese Picture Books, recommended by Our Children's Editor
Of the many children’s books published in Chinese, few make their way into translation. Here, our Children’s Editor picks five outstanding Chinese picture books that are available for readers around the world to enjoy in English.
Great Teen Reads from Ireland’s Great Reads Awards, recommended by Breege O'Brien
Every year teenagers in Ireland show their enthusiasm for reading quality young adult fiction by voting for their favourite new Irish and international novels. Great Reads Award panellist Breege O’Brien highlights her top teen reads from recent years’ shortlists.
How Was That Built? The Stories Behind Awesome Structures
Roma Agrawal, Katie Hickey (illustrator) -
Microbe Wars: Humanity's Biggest Battles with the World's Smallest Life-Forms
by Gill Arbuthnott & Marianna Madriz (illustrator) -
Fourteen Wolves: A Rewilding Story
by Catherine Barr & Jenni Desmond (illustrator) -
Fantastically Great Women Scientists and their Stories
by Kate Pankhurst -
If the World Were 100 People
Jackie McCann, Aaron Cushley (illustrator) -
Beetles for Breakfast and Other Weird and Wonderful Ways to Save the Planet
Madeleine Finlay, Jisu Choi (illustrator)
Best Science Books for Children: the 2022 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, recommended by Alan Wilson
Best Science Books for Children: the 2022 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize, recommended by Alan Wilson
The Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize celebrates books that stimulate children’s curiosity and enthusiasm to explore, innovate and debate. Alan Wilson, Chair of this year’s judging panel, talks us through the six outstanding science books for kids that made the 2022 shortlist.